Friday, April 27, 2012

Surrender to the Cloud: Post #1

Today, at Celtic Tavern, a friend and I were exhausted from a Celtic musical bombardment. I asked the waitress if she could switch the music (which was also driving her to distraction). She said the music emanated from the "jukebox."

I had not used a jukebox in about 30 years. Of course, it was a touch screen and computerized. Thus, I had little idea on how to use it, to understand the "logic" under the black box. I did manage to inject The Who a few times between more Celtic cacaphony, but was not sure about the mechanism by which the music was played. Yes, you get three tunes for $1, but they do not play in a row.

One more example of decision making and control being given over to "the Cloud" (meaning: digital instrustion beyond our ken and always in our midst).

1 comment:

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