Sunday, December 05, 2010

In Praise of my Mother, Lillian C. Groothuis

As my mother's earthly life draws to a slow and sad close at age 80, I want to give her tribute. She was always motherly in the best sense: supportive, encouraging, appreciative of my gifts and ministry, even when she did not completely understand them.

She was as thoughtful as anyone could ever be to her family and friends: never forgetting an important event to commemorate with a card, gift, or call. She was frugal in her own finances--living simply--but was always generous toward others. She put me through college on a working class salary and as a single mother. (being a dunderhead, it took me years to realize what an achievement this was.) This allowed me ample time to study and to enter deeply into the world of ideas, which turned out to be my divine calling in this short life. See Psalm 90 on this.

Mom was a cheerful person, interested in others (even servers at restaurants), and a passionate lover of children. Although she wanted six children, she had only one surviving son. She compensated by being motherly and grandmotherly to many others.

Mom was a superb cook, particularly of Italian food and Christmas cookies, the latter of which she shared with many to their great delight. I will miss them so much this (and every following) year.

Even after the death of her first husband, my father (Harold Fred Groothuis) in 1968, Mom never lost her faith in God or questioned his wisdom. She regularly prayed specific prayers and the Lord's Prayer. During the last few months (and especially during the week I was with Mom in Anchorage), I have assurance that she knows Jesus Christ as Lord. She said so. Thus, I need not grieve as does the world; but hope in our reunion one great Day


  1. I'll continue to pray for you, and your family.

    A humbling thought - anything that we achieve is probably the answer to a previous generations prayers.


  2. I'm sure that I speak on behalf of many of your readers: We mourn with you, and we rejoice with you. "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." (Psalm 68:19)

  3. God be with you and your mom, Doug.

  4. Your loss is heaven's gain! May the comfort of the cross and the hope of the resurrection be yours richly at this time.

  5. I wish there was some way I could assuage the sorrow in your heart, and I hope God has granted you the opportunity to express your love to your Mom in these last moments. I know that it may sound silly to say to that you are not alone in this time of transition; however, it is my belief that God puts people in our lives at the times in which we need them to help us overcome grief.

    Considering the words you have written over the years, it is obvious that your Mom raised you to be a positive force of good in the world, and it is a testament to her life.

    May God continue to bless Lillian Groothuis and her family.

  6. Dr. Groothuis,

    I know how it feels to lose a parent. My mother died first of advanced colon cancer at age 82 years,8 months on Feb.,2006.

    Then my father died of a fatal heart attack on July,2006.

    I pray that my mother made it to heaven,but I have doubts about my father's eternal destiny.

    It's not for me to judge where my father is but I pray that God have mercy on him.

    It was hard adjusting to their losses,it took me one year to function again.

    It teaches me that no matter how old a parent is when death comes,the child still feels like an orphan.

    I draw strength from the Lord in those trying times. He will strengthen you too.

  7. Dr. Groothuis, you are a testimony to the character of your mother. I grieve your loss with you, as my aging parents are getting close to death also. Sometimes I know that to die for them would be great gain, and I am sure you can rejoice in the knowledge of your mother's salvation. Still to have her missing from you, even though miles separated with you, creates a painful emptiness. For a time.


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