Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Deniable Darwin

The Metropolitan has posted its November 19, 2009, story on my Nov. 16 lecture at the Auraria campus, "The Deniable Darwin." This photo was part of that piece. Scroll down to find the story.


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    A menacing picture and surprisingly fair piece of journalism.

  2. It's my "game face." The article was surprisingly and refreshingly fair. I expected otherwise, cheerful soul that I am.

  3. Doc G. My atheist friend is worried you are going to heckle Shermer. :-)

    It's a lecture not a debate, but you are assuming he will allow for questions, right? That is the norm isn't it?

  4. It is not a debate, but I wish it was. I hope to be allowed to ask a question at the end. I do not heckle, given the golden rule.


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