Tuesday, May 19, 2009


  1. Hi Dr. Groothuis! This was great. Thanks for the laugh. Timely for me as well. I've become increasingly angst riddled about TV now that my oldest is in school. Seems that your awareness of a simple cartoon character can doom your entire social life, even in the earliest of grades. Which basically sucks. Here is one place I thought perhaps we might rise above the ridiculousness. Apparently I put too much stock in anyone's ability to navigate even the obvious land mines of television for preschoolers. sigh.

  2. Tracey:

    I was just thinking about you in recent days. I have not heard from you in a few years. Hope you are well. You were expecting #1 when you finished here.

    As you can tell, I'm still on my anti-TV crusade, but have added consternation about social networking, Bluetooths, and other technological barbarisms!



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