Monday, August 29, 2011

Duke: Alone

In all my years of listening to, savoring, and comparing jazz pianists, my ears and soul have never heard anyone play the instrument as did Edward Kennedy Ellington. Yes, his orchestra was his instrument, but so was his piano--and no one could touch his touch, his humor, his spacing, his quirky perfections. I marvel and am thankful to you, Duke Ellington wherever you are.


fead68 said...

Noticed the death of David "Honey-Boy" Edwards on the BBC webpage. He was 96, died at his home in Chicago. I am not an avid blues listener, but figured you could appreciate this story. Unfortunate that the domestic news sources have yet to pick up on this.

Pilgrim in Progress said...

Have you ever listened to Jay McShann? While he is best known for his connection to Kansas City Blues, he is much more than "just" a bluesman. Here is a sample from more modern times: