Sunday, February 27, 2011

Facebook Exit

I have deactivated my Facebook account.


Paul D. Adams said...

As did I many months ago and I don't miss the buffoonery.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I feel the need to "like" this post. ;) Enjoy your time away.

Danielle said...

I noticed. Miss your thoughtful comments and links showing up on my newsfeed. But, I understand completely as I have considered such myself.

Unknown said...

I did so too and I don't miss it. More time for important books, conversations, and activities.

pennoyer said...

Dr. Groothius, you need to do what is best for you and your family. But I would be less than honest if I did not say that some people will be just a bit baffled. Why, just yesterday (literally) you were posting away on facebook with many "friends" chiming in - and then suddenly the plug is pulled.

As a mere two-dimensional friend I know you have a love/hate relationship with technology and social media. I just trust you are running some of these decisions by your real, three-dimensional family and friends. As you know already, there is wisdom in godly counsel.

On the other hand, it is another reminder of how ephemeral so much of "life on the net" really is. We need Jesus to show up in all we do to affect permanent change and truly build his kingdom.

Thank you and God bless. - Ray

Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D. said...


I discussed leaving on Facebook before I did so. I may be back in time. This is, for now, an abstention, not necessarily a last exit.

dashworth said...

Sorry to see you go Dr. Doug, but I certainly understand your reasons for leaving. I've considered the idea before also.

Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D. said...

I'm back, after about a five day abstention.