Sunday, August 29, 2010

From my friend, Paul Adams's blog

“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”
–John 3:18

“In a gallery where artistic masterpieces are on display, it is not the masterpieces but the visitors that are on trial. The works which they view are not there to abide their question, but they reveal their own taste (or lack of it) by their reactions to what they see. The pop-star who was reported some years ago to have dismissed the Mona Lisa as a load of rubbish…did not tell us anything about the Mona Lisa; he told us much about himself. What is true in the aesthetic realm is equally true in the spiritual realm. The man who depreciates Christ, or thinks him unworthy of his allegiance, passes judgment on himself, not on Christ. He does not need to wait until the day of judgment; the verdict on him has been pronounced already. There will indeed be a final day of judgment…but that day will serve only to confirm the judgment already passed. Those who believe in the name of the Son of God…become God’s children; for those who will not believe there is no alternative but self-incurred judgment.”
–F.F. Bruce, The Gospel of John, p. 91


  1. The man who depreciates Mohammed, or thinks him unworthy of his allegiance, passes judgment on himself, not on Mohammed. He does not need to wait until the day of judgment; the verdict on him has been pronounced already.

    You see? Now you know how atheists feel! Not so hard to understand is it?

  2. Is there supposed to be an argument in this post? There is no mutatis mutandis here (using same logic for Jesus as Mohammad), since Jesus and Mohammad are such radically different figures, as Pascal pointed out in Pensees. Mohammad has his enemies killed; Jesus was killed by his enemies. Mohammad is in the grave; Christ left his and rose again. Mohammad said to try to obey Allah sufficiently to merit paradise; Jesus left paradise to earn it for us. One could go on.

    The quote I gave gives no place to atheism.


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