Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Ask the Philosopher (room added)

Ask the Christian Philosopher:

Doug Groothuis, Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary and Metro State College of Denver, will present a short explanation of why he is a Christian and then field any questions regarding the truth and rationality of Christianity. Tivoli, 440, Auraria Campus, Denver, April 27, 7:00 PM.


  1. I love this idea. Years ago with our local College Crusade for Christ, we did an event called stump the pastor. I was involved as a pastor along with 3 other guys who we knew would field questions well. Afterwards I had some great conversations with a few people.

  2. Did God create truth? We know that God is truth but did he have anything to do with its creation/implimentation in our Universe.

  3. Did God create truth? We know that God is truth but did he have anything to do with its creation/implimentation in our Universe.

  4. I've also recently learned of public event that hosts a panel of atheist experts who have a a expert opponent to play "stump the theist". Then, the following week, it's reversed (theists panel plays "stump the atheist expert.").

    Let us know how it goes, eh!?

  5. As long as you are willing to say "I don't know" from time to time, this sort of event has a chance of being other than astronomically arrogant.

  6. It's not arrogant to claim to know anything. But (prima facie) it seems arrogant to consider oneself able to answer an indefinite range of questions on a topic as vast as "Christianity." At least such arrogance is conveyed by self-promoted "Stump so-and-so" events, even if that's not the intention.

    In fact it's the intellectual equivalent to "Try to beat up so-and-so," a challenge that undoubtedly conveys arrogance (with respect to physical prowess).

  7. I have been studying the Christian worldview for 33 years. It is the obligation of the Christian to have a reason for the hope within, an answer to anyone who asks him or her, but to do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15-16). That is my aim. I do not fake knowledge during these times, but answer the best I can, often referring people to books and articles.

  8. You completely missed the point. I called it "stump.." just to make it sound lively. It is not a macho-intellectual event. I don't operate like that, not even in debates.

    I don't assume to know everything, but given my discipline, I am in a position to say something helpful about most basic questions about Christianity.

    But given your misunderstanding, I am asking the campus ministry to call it, "Ask the Christian Philosopher."


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