Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Colorado Senators for Abortion

Both of Colorado's Senators, Udall and Bennett, voted to table the amendment to the Senate bill that would have forbidden federal money to pay for abortions under the socialist health taker-over bill. The amendment was tabled, so it will not come up for a vote. The pro-death Democrats are on a roll; the juggernaut is mowing them down--the least, the last, the lost: the unborn.

America is tragically moving toward a European-style, socialist, federally-funded abortion "health monopoly" model. I am at a loss for words. What is next?


  1. What is next? Keep looking at EUrope: EUthenasia.

  2. What's next? Pray for our country. Pray for the unborn. Urge your state representatives to pass legislation nullifying any national health care law. Two of our founding fathers (Thomas Jefferson and James Madison) authored nullification bills for states (Kentucky and Virginia) nullifying the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798. Montana and my state (Tennessee) just nullified federal laws relating to gun sales. And so many states effectively nullified the Real ID Act that it has never been implemented. It can be done.

  3. I heard a great chop from Beck last week. He was going on about how the European nations hate the traditional values of America and how our current government is making us more like them. He asked something like, "Didn't we get on a boat and come over here to get away from the European value system?" [Not an exact quote.]


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