Saturday, November 07, 2009

On Not Speaking Truth to Power

Obama refuses to meet with the Dali Lama and figures opposed to tyranny. This is typical of the hard left. They refuse to support those who speak truth to tyrannical power; instead they curry favor from the powerful, as long as they are hostile to the West. This is unjust, perverse, and ungodly in the extreme. Wake up, America. Your president is a no friend of freedom, democracy, or "hope."

Beyond the shiny spectacle of this "historic" president is an empty suit, political mantras (meaningless), a magic teleprompter, and a man who is putting America and its deepest ideals at risk for the sake of his neo-Marxist ideology.


  1. Obama is acting no different than he did before he was president. Wright, Ayers, Farakan, et al, have now been replaced by an international crop of terrorists and dictators. The guy feels at home with anybody who thinks America is evil, plain and simple.

  2. Previously he abandoned the protesters in Tehran, who were seeking to bring incredible change to Iran.

  3. While I agree with your criticism, and seriously doubt this is Obama's rationale, I wonder whether you or I would agree that the Dalai Lama is someone who understands true human freedom? I say this because I can't help but notice how often our scrupulously not-Christian nation seems to endorse any religiosity which seems sufficiently ineffectual, platitudinous, or expedient....


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