Friday, October 09, 2009

From The Discovery Institute

Support Free Speech: Tell California Science Center to Reinstate Screening of Intelligent Design Film

Let your voice be heard! In a clear act of government censorship, the California Science Center-a "department of the State of California"-has canceled the Los Angeles premiere of the pro-intelligent design film Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record. A private group, the American Freedom Alliance, had rented the California Science Center's IMAX theater for the screening. But after the screening attracted public attention, the Science Center decided to pull the plug on the event in clear violation of the freedom of speech and equal protection. Please contact the Science Center immediately to respectfully urge the Center to support free speech and allow the original screening to go forward.

Contact the California Science Center now:E-Mail:
Phone: 323-724-3623
Stay tuned to Evolution News & Views as this story develops.

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