Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cyber What?

I am quoted in this article, "The Art of Cyberchurch," from Christianity Today.

1 comment:

  1. I think "cyber church" negates the whole point of church. Instead of fostering a community that organically and holistically worships God, it becomes an environment that casts out to pseudo-reality. What I mean by buzz words 'holistic' and 'organic' refers to a community that walks with others through life outside of Sunday services by: spending quality time spent with others, serving "the least of these" in the world, and meeting needs of the church community. I am not sure how cyber church could accomplish any of this. On the other hand, perhaps cyber church could be used to move people out of pseudo-reality and into the world of messy relationships. However, sadly, many won't have that desire and will work to perpetuate the culture of pretend. Do you see any constructive features to "cyber church?"



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