Sunday, August 23, 2009


I now have 28 "followers" on Twitter. I need thousands, of course. I am attempting to give thoughtful links and nontrivial propositions or questions or Scriptures. My name: DougGroothuis. I think that's all you need to be a "follower." Of course, you should only be a follower of Jesus Christ. Again, I will quit if I find it pointless.


  1. Dr Groothuis,
    Someone pointed me to this "Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio Page" that includes what appears to be a huge amount of apologetics resources, including many of your own lectures.

  2. I have 11 followers (one of whom is you). I suppose having a Ph.D. and being widely published counts for something, eh? To have a terminal degree in your discipline and publishing numerous books and articles is another. But to be followed on that's something!

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    This is ironic, right?

  4. The man has GOT to be kidding. I'm waiting for the "gotcha moment".

  5. I haven't made the move to Twitter. I'd like to say I've resisted it, but the truth is that I haven't recognized the value of it yet - and frankly my designated Internet time budget is already maxed out. Is it working out for you?


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