Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ignoramus In Chief

LONDON — President Barack Obama reiterated that Iran may have some right to nuclear energy-provided it takes steps to prove its aspirations are peaceful.

So says, The Huffington Post. Again, this shows that Obama does not understand evil or the realities of international affairs (with which he has no experience). If we are nice to the Iranians, whose President and mullahs want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, somehow things will work out. It is absurd to trust them to use nuclear technology only for energy, given their record of hatred toward Israel and America. Moreover, outside inspections are not infallible. But Obama, like the good liberal ignoramus that he is, trusts "the international community" (read the UN) more than the historic strength of his own country. The foolishness of this man is breath-taking, mind-boggling, and bone-chilling.


  1. Bone chilling indeed. The swiftness and far-reaching effects of what this man is doing are particularly sobering in light of the fact that God installs leaders of human governments (Romans 13:1). I think our biggest concern should be what God thinks of us as a nation in light of this.

  2. I recently got my hair cut by an Iranian woman who was telling me that she and her family fled Iran when Aminadajad came on board. According to her there is a large portion of Iranians who want the current regime to change. Let's hope it does!

  3. Hi Prof Groothuis, i'm Benjamin, an international relations graduate student from Singapore and i've been following your blog for quite some time. Some of my reading influences include writers like Os Guinness, Francis Schaeffer, Joh Piper etc.
    I would like to enquire with you regarding your opinions concerning Obama and your strong criticism of him. While i would disagree with your President's stance towards abortion, I do think that some of his policies concerning the Middle East may not be all that negative. Dialogue is an important aspect of the Christian cultural mandate (personally I do have doubts concerning the authenticity of Obama's professed christian faith) and I dont think that we want to go down the either/or rhetoric of the Bush's administration... or am i missing something here...would appreciate your comments.

  4. There really is nothing good about Obama politically. He refuses to condemn the long-standing terrorism of the Palestinians against Israel. He views Hamas as a legitimate political group, when they are a band of terrorists bent on destroying Israel. And so on!

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