A forum for discussing matters of moment, from a curmudgeonly perspective. (The ideas posted here do not necessarily represent those of any organization with which I am a part). Rude and insulting remarks will not be published, but civil disagreement is welcome.
You would undoubtely love the comments on all things political and religious by Archbishop Cranmer - or whoever it is that is impersonating him - including his take on Aaqil Ahmed heading the BBC religious dept.: http://archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.com/2009/04/aaqil-ahmed-can-muslim-be-head-of-bbcs.html
The assault of the middle ages continues as Europe is going Muslim. The birthrate in some of the more northern nations is already 50% Muslim, 50% European. Quaddaffi says give us some 15 - 50 years and Europe will be ours. Gomorrah really has no idea what has come upon it.
You would undoubtely love the comments on all things political and religious by Archbishop Cranmer - or whoever it is that is impersonating him - including his take on Aaqil Ahmed heading the BBC religious dept.:
The assault of the middle ages continues as Europe is going Muslim. The birthrate in some of the more northern nations is already 50% Muslim, 50% European. Quaddaffi says give us some 15 - 50 years and Europe will be ours. Gomorrah really has no idea what has come upon it.