Saturday, May 30, 2009

Introducing the Wiki Bible!

In our technologically participatory, ever-changing, ever-morphing data stream, it makes no sense to appeal to static texts, received traditions, stuff that is old and unchanging! So, in the spirit of Internet 2.0, we introduce the WikiBible.

In the mercurial and serendipitous spirit of the Wikipedia (that great boon to human knowledge and hipness and participatory epistemology and metaphysics), the Wiki Bible solicits your take on God, the cosmos, humans, salvation and anything else that floats your boat. The categories are completely open; the perspective are diverse (we worship diversity for diversity's sake), and the content is ever-changing, ever-new, ever-surprising, never boring--like those old chapters and verses marooned on pages stuck in books.

Create the WikiBible: from keyboard to theology with no holds barred, no ideas forbidden, no logic required! There are no limits as to what our shared reality may be, may become. You can deconstruct, reconstruct, resonstitute, reinvent, revamp, revise, redress the wrongs of an old God who never changes and never gets with it. God is waiting to be defined, illustrated, and massaged--by you, by us. Get busy, you hyperactive digitopians!


  1. For those daunted by the idea of creating a new "sacred text", start off by writing science fiction. The less creative can claim a chapter in a collaborative rewrite of an existing text.

  2. Sounds like too much work...I propose a Twitter bible instead.


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