A forum for discussing matters of moment, from a curmudgeonly perspective. (The ideas posted here do not necessarily represent those of any organization with which I am a part). Rude and insulting remarks will not be published, but civil disagreement is welcome.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Jazz Theologian (dates corrected)
Robert Gelinas, pastor of Colorado Community Church, and author of the book, Finding the Grove: Composing a Jazz-Shaped Faith, will be appearing as "The Jazz theologian" at the Soiled Dove in Denver on March 30, 31. The book is an interesting, fresh, and knowledgeable challenge to apply jazz sensibilities to the Christian life. I hope to write a longer review in the near future. In any event, I hope to see you there.
I couldn't make it tonight. Are you sure he will be there tomorrow night? I couldn't find it listed on the SDU website. This sounds very cool!