Sunday, February 15, 2009

There is a God

I noticed just today at a bookstore, that the new paperback edition of Anthony Flew's There is a God uses a two line endorsement from "The Denver Post" at the top of the back cover. Apparently, the newspaper is more name worthy than me, but I was the author of that review. So, go buy and read the book that scandalized the atheist world.


  1. For a personal (albeit virtual) touch, see the videos held at Westminster Chapel March, 2008 here.

  2. Dr. Groothius,

    What do you think of Mark Oppenheimer's investigation of all this in the NY Times Magazine? It's worth reading if you've not seen it:

    To be honest, it makes Roy Varghese and his book seem a bit shady--kind of manipulative, really.

  3. To be honest, NYT seems shady.

  4. The conspiracy theory that Christians manipulated Flew is groundless. Gary Habermas interviewed on his thoughts in Philosophia Christi and the idea that some Christians could con Flew and the publisher is ridiculous. I commented on this briefly in my review of this book (plus several others) in Books and Culture recently.

  5. 1. Douglas Groothuis, "The Great Debate," Books and Culture, July/August, 2008, reviews four recently books related to the intellectual debate between theism and atheism.

  6. Flew is abundantly clear on the NYT review in the aforementioned interviews/videos. Hear it from the source.

  7. By the way, I enjoyed both the book and you review.
    Also, check out Flew's interview (in segments) on Lee Stobel's website.

  8. Hmm.
    Can I blame the "R" key on my keyboard?
    I meant "your" review and "Lee Strobel's" website.

  9. Paul, the Veritas Forum videos you've recommended are helpful. Dr. Flew has indeed become as a child. Mt. 18:3


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