Sunday, February 01, 2009

"Evidence"--Gazing into...

A wordless video of seven minutes. I shall say no more.


  1. The neo-minimalist musical score isn't to my taste, but the evidence is ... clear.

    I'm pleased to say that I figured out what was going on near the beginning, long before it reached 7:28 and said it explicitly.

  2. Tim:

    I am not a fan of the Phillip Glass school, but I found the music fitting, given their dazed, glazed, hypnotized state; it was consonant with the music.

  3. When teaching guitar many years ago now (~30 yrs), I had a young male student (approx 12 yrs) coming each week not able to focus. After 3-5 min of my demonstrating right-hand techniques, he began gazing onto the blank wall in the studio room. This went on each week for several weeks. Finally, I had a theory. I asked the parent whether or not his son watched much television. His response "That's all he does." I then suggested that with the rapid movement of content and commercials that are randomly interjected, which have nothing whatsoever to do with the theme or genre of the program, that perhaps his son was losing his "attenuation skills." We then agreed that paying for guitar lessons was a waste of money and that his son needed "other" attention.

    Sad....VERY sad!!

    Society at large has lost its ability to focus on anything of value, save the rapid, random, ridiculous, drivel that spews forth from the tube!

    Okay...I feel better now.

    I wonder what the same faces would look like if they were introduced (early and throughout their years) to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Groothuis' Truth Decay.

  4. Doug,

    I can't disagree with that!


    A magnificent short film, really.

    But even so, I have to admit Doug that I do not quite grasp your “across the board” TV-bashing. I'm sure you could point me to entries on your blog that discuss it in more detail.

    However, if I could just say the following at this point: It may well be that in the days when families typically spent their evenings playing cards or board games or simply conversing together in front of the fire - in contrast to that kind of scenario, the introduction of TV really was the introduction of an isolating "boob tube." That is not the typical contrast today, however, at least in the USA. People today are not so much putting away pinochle to watch TV, they are putting away their even more isolating laptops and iPods, video games and iPhones, and taking a moment to come together for a modicum of family community. I know, for instance, that when we watch as a family certain news programs, selected sporting events or even sitcom or two - those become opportunities for conversation, laughter, and (very often) cultural critique. It may not be as good as a rousing game of pinochle (I’m goofing around now), nor does it pretend to be high culture - but it certainly does not have to be people staring and drooling on themselves in isolated silence. What do you think?


  6. Dr. Groothuis,
    You don't have open comments for your "Superbowl" post so I will leave you a comment here. Thank YOU! The first reason you gave on the list is the best. It is in accordance with the 4th commandment and gets at the heart of it. I appreciate your boldness, conviction, and willingness to say what many Christians don't want to hear since many have caved in to the world's status quo of what holiness should look like. I do not say this as I look down my nose. I am just as susceptible to and have often caved in to the same temptations. But the Lord's Day is to be honored by all. Thanks again.
    Josh Henson

  7. I have written on the philosophy of technology across the board, and realize that other technologies are edging out TV in some ways for some demographics. An early shot across the bow on this was my 1997 book, The Soul in Cyberspace. See also my recent review of The Dumbest Generation at Denver Journal (on line).


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