Monday, January 05, 2009

Debate at Atheism and Religion

Christopher Hitchens (atheist) will be debating Dinesh D'Souza (Christian) at Mackie Auditorium at CU Boulder on January 26 at 7:00 PM. For more info go to St. Thomas Aquinas Center at CU Boulder.


  1. I've had D'Souza's book "What's Ao Great About Christianity?" on my list to read for a while.

    This should definitely be a debate worth watching.

  2. Hitchens will also be debating William Lane Craig at Biola on April 4, 2009 (source).

  3. D'Sousa is much better on history than philosophy, especially philosophy of science. He endorses Darwinism in his new book, but argues for design at the macroscopic (fine-tuning) level. But the evidence for design at the microscopic (DNA, bacterial flagellum) is just as strong or stronger than the macroscopic.

  4. If I remember correctly, D'Sousa is actually quite critical of Darwinism per se (which he considers a false philosophy) but he does accept the more limited and technical notion of God using evolution for the differentiation of species. Of course that "more limited notion" is still problematic on a number of levels, but his book is still excellent overall.


  5. God using Darwinian evolution is an oxymoron, since it is set up to exclude any designer.

  6. So would D'Souza be considered a theistic evolutionist? If so how would that play into this debate? I wonder if it will have the same sort of outcome when Richard Dawkins debated Alister McGrath and the debate didn't really go anywhere productive.

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I think a better debate would be between you and me. ;-)

    I don't think either Hitchens or D'Souza defend their positions well enough, don't you agree?

    Say, I heard you were going to review my book. Is that true? If so, where? James Sennett is doing likewise.


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