Monday, November 03, 2008

Star Parker on Obama

Star Parker rightly argues that Obama's vision is far from that of the American founders.


  1. I'm sure glad we didn't elect a Mormon. Getting a friend of the terrorists is much, much better.

    We seemed to have forfeited the war in order to win the battle.

  2. I'm not sure that I followed Parker's argument. The founders weren't some monolithic group--there were lots of disagreements in the Federalist Papers. I don't think that it is healthy to oversimply the issues, nor do I think that Star even shows an understanding of the nuance that comes from reading these documents.

    Left or not left, people are still responsible to articulate the issues in a cogent manner.

  3. I weep with you, Doug.

    I post this here because it's the latest entry that receives comments.


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