Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dr. Robert George on Obam'a Abortion Extremism

Sen. Barack Obama's views on life issues ranging from abortion to embryonic stem cell research mark him as not merely a pro-choice politician, but rather as the most extreme pro-abortion candidate to have ever run on a major party ticket.--Robert George.

The distinguished Princeton Professor, Dr. Robert George, has written a revealing article called, "Obama's Abortion Extremism." Faithful followers of this blog may not learn anything new, but you will hear it from a very respected political philosopher. Anyone who calls themselves pro-life in any sense must read and ponder this--for God's sake and for the sake of the unborn.


  1. Actually what is John McCain's stance on it? And what about mr. Bush? Have you been given anything against abortion by the Republicans, except nice words?

  2. Look up McCain's views for yourself, please. Bush did much as well. Obama would do everything possible to make abortion on demand the law of the land forever, to relegalize partial birth abortions, to subsidize abortions through taxation, etc. Please get informed if you want to post here. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for posting the link to Robert George's article. This is a critical issue that cannot be ignored or glossed over. I wish McCain would talk more candidly about the contrast between his record and Obama's on abortion. The American people need to know the truth about where the candidates stand. Despite nice rhetoric and spin on the part of the Democratic party, we are morally responsible for how we vote on abortion (and yes, this issue does trump all others - even based on mere utilitarian considerations over 1 million abortions every year far outweighs the number of casualties in Afganistan and Iraq combined).

  4. Here is an excellent counter-point to Obama's "abortion extremism" showing that McCain might not be too far off...



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