Saturday, October 11, 2008

Do Hyperlinks Make us Stupid?

Read Robert Velarde on this, he is one of the six or seven people who have read The Soul in Cyberspace.


  1. I read it. Now I just need to finish Carl Henry...

  2. Just got it in the mail...

  3. Thanks for the link to my post about the evils of links. :-) They are not all bad, as I note.

    For those who have not read The Soul in Cyberspace, I highly recommend it as a thoughtful critique of the online world with some thoughtful Pascal quotes thrown in - what else could one ask for in such a book?

  4. Hey Doug (no-- scratch that; doesn't sound right

    Dear Dr Groothuis (there, that's better; a little gravitas and decorum never hurt-- even in cyberspace)

    I read the Soul in Cyberspace shortly after it came out (about ten years ago). It was very prescient. I'm going to have to re-read it now....


    (oops; let's try again)

    yours truly,
    Fred Schott


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