Friday, September 05, 2008

People Who Live Without TV

Robert Velarde sent me this link about TV-free living.


  1. Doug, how do you like crunchy granola?

  2. I do not live without TV, but the last time I did turn it on was in December 2007 - live the Swiss parliament session where the latest member of the government was elected. And the time before that I cannot remember. Some ten years ago I did watch TV on the weekend, but I must have lost interest at some point in time. It was no big decision on my part, just a development.

    I am very interested in keeping up to date with the news, I do read newspapers pretty thoroughly, I listen to the radio news in the morning, I spend a lot of time in the Internet (mainly as Wikipedia author), I read a lot - and I don't quite understand how other people do find time to watch TV ;-).

    The only thing I somewhat miss is relating to the reality of other people - I don't, e.g., know how much someone learns about politics from watching TV news and what picture of the world they get from that.


  3. i believe that selective TV viewing can enrich a person's life. Being of French origin, I learned English by immersion at the age of 24. I owe so much to Alistair Cooke and Masterpiece Theatre. It was my introduction to great literature and dramatic historical events.

    Watching John Glenn into space with my 7 and 8 years old children was very exciting.

    There are moments in life that you need to share with the whole world community. 9/11 would have been even more unbearable if I had not seen the courage of the NY people, and how the Americans stood one for another, and all for one.

    In my old age (78), TV offers "live" classical concerts, excursions in far countries, scientific classes, interesting biographies...I select the program and enjoy the presentation tremendously.

    I was always able to control my childrens' viewing (and my own!) We had families activities to fill our time. Reading always played a great part in our life. It still does. Even more than the internet.

  4. Claudia is a rare soul who watches TV in moderation and knows its place.

  5. Dear Sir,

    This "rare soul" will visit you again. ;-)

  6. Thank you for linking this short albeit interesting post concerning television. From June 2007-July 2008 I taught English in South Korea to kindergarten and elementary students. I could always easily tell which students were babysat by the boob tube or by the Nintendo DS (of course, as Neil Postman put it, you don't watch TV, it "watches" you). The children who watched a lot of TV exhibited poor concentration skills and were easily bored with the essential classroom exercises and drills necessary for learning any language. Unfortunately, the parents were so desperate for these children to learn English that they encouraged the kids to watch English TV programs...

    -David Schmitz


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