Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama's Image-and-Speech Machine in Decline

Charles Krauthammer again perceptively assesses Obama's rise and fall. The messianic image-and-speech machine that is Obama is sputtering due to a lack of real fuel (all my terms, not his).


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Krauthammer is (as Aussies would say) "on spot," regarding Obama. Those of us that work with cult and ex-cult members understand this. Those that have been in a cult and have exited and have any significant recovery understand this. For Obama, smoke and mirrors have overcome anything of meaningful and healthy substance.

  2. Dr. Groothuis,

    As I'm sure you know there was recently a devastating hurricane that hit the shoreline of Texas. Hundreds of thousands are displaced, many lives are undoubtedly destroyed if not lost entirely. Christians should be in prayer but also mobilizing to help any way possible with the aftermath.

    I think I am speaking on behalf of other CC readers when we have a growing concern about the subject matter of this blog. I would like to posit that your blog should focus on things that the CC site is known for, such as apologetics and cultural critique. These are things that you masterfully teach on everyday in class. These are things that are of far more Kingdom importance, such as the above paragraph, rather than nearly every post being about Obama or abortion.

    There is much to blog about outside the arena of the November elections, much that fans of your blog such as myself would rather see you discuss.


  3. Dr. Groothuis, greetings to you and all of your readers.

    I am glad you posted a link to Krauthammer's perceptive article (by the way, what is a Krauthammer, a German kitchen utensil used to crush krauts? Seems to me it is perfectly good for crushing eggplant, too!)

    Saving America from Obama and the Democrats should be a priority for every rational, independently thinking Christian.

    Sheep will go to the polls on November 4th thinking that Obama is a good thing for America's economy, for health care, for joblessness, for housing, the economy.

    Even if it were true that Obama's solutions for those issues are better than Palin's, whom McCain chose to reform Washington's wicked ways, he would still support aborting millions of little babies during his presidency.

    No one who calls himself a good Christian, with a solid belief in the foundations of Christianity, can support such a candidate.

    To use the words of the greatest vice-presidential candidate the world ever saw: "Thanks, but no thanks!", Obamaniacs.

    In his article, Krauthammer (may God bless him) exposes Obama, the ultimate celebrity candidate, unlike McCain or Palin, for his pseudo-messianism (what an elegant, concise why to express the idea that Obama thinks he is Jesus, but he is fake.)

    Soulcraft is right: Obamaniacs remind me, too, of cult members, like the Branch Davidians or the members of that poligamous sect from Texas.

    Cult members themselves would probably be appalled by Obama, because at least cult members believe in some radical interpretation of the Scriptures, whereas Obamaniacs believe in a guy who does not believe himself (he is a Muslim, after all, isn't he?)

    Realize this, America, if you know nothing else: Obama is a statist politician, who believes in Islam, rose to the top of Chicago's politics posing as a community organizer (what? hahaha! to quote America's mayor), who never challenged the corrupt environment in which he prospered thanks to a combination of smoke-and-mirrors community organizing and Rezko's bribes.

    Ultimately, the biggest problem with Obama is that he is a black Muslim, hell-bent on bringing retribution for slavery to the door of every patriotic American.

    Socialism is Obama's recipe for change, dressed with murderous abortion!

    How can any Christian, whose belief is grounded in the fundamental teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and of our Heavenly Father, cast a ballot for Obama on Nov 4th?

    Evidently, you must be a duped Christian to do such a thing.

    Dr. Groothuis, let's pray together that the points you, Krauthammer, and I make on this blog will open the eyes of wandering liberal Christians who might accidentally stumble on this blog.

    Heaven help us all if Obama were to be elected in November.

    Every reasonable Christian must follow Dr. Groothuis's lead, which is based in rationality, truth and logic (I have read many of your posts, and find that they stand up to the strictest scrutiny).

    Rejoice, for the Lord's will be made on Nov. 4th. And let's face it:

    Every reader of this blog knows what the Lord's will be on Nov 4th.

  4. This election is crucial, pivotal for the nation on many, many levels. That's why I focus on it. Consider two issues:

    1. The battle for human life. Obama is an abortion-producing- machine with no respect for the unborn. You'd be paying for abortion on demand if he gets in office.

    2. The battle for civilization with terrorists and the states that suppor them. Obama has no idea on how to deal with this. He would open the country and the world to untold devestation. All or most all of the gains of the last seven years would be lost.

    This is a kairos moment.

  5. Dr. Groothuis, greetings.

    I must have hit the wrong button because the article I posted earlier was not published, so I am resending it.

    Saving America from Obama and the Democrats should be a priority for every rational, independently thinking Christian.

    Sheep, in liberal clothing, will go to the polls on November 4th thinking that Obama is a good thing for America's economy, for health care, for joblessness, for housing, the economy.

    Even if it were true that Obama's solutions for those issues are better than Palin's, whom MCCain chose to reform Washington's wicked ways, he would still support aborting millions of little babies during his presidency.

    No one who calls himself a good Christian, with a solid beliefs in the foundations of Christianity, can support such a candidate.

    To use the words of the greatest vice-presidential candidate the world ever saw: "Thanks, but no thanks!", Obamaniacs.

    In his article, Krauthammer (may God bless him) exposes Obama, the ultimate celebrity candidate, unlike McCain or Palin, for his pseudo-messianism (what an elegant, concise why to express the idea that Obama thinks he is Jesus, but he is fake.)

    Soulcraft is right: Obamaniacs remind me, too, of cult members, like the Branch Davidians or the member of that poligamous sect from Texas.

    Cult members themselves would probably be appalled by Obama, because at least cult members believe in some radical interpretation of the Scriptures, whereas Obamaniacs believe in a guy who does not believe himself (he is a Muslim, after all, isn't he?)

    Realize this, America, if you know nothing else: Obama is a statist politician, who believes in Islam, rose to the top of Chicago's politics posing as a community organizer (what? hahaha! to quote America's mayor), who never challenged the corrupt environment in which he prospered thanks to a combination of smoke and mirrors community organizing and Rezko's bribes.

    Ultimately, the biggest problem with Obama is that he is a black Muslim, hell-bent on bringing retribution for slavery to the door of every patriotic American.

    Socialism is Obama's recipe for change, dressed with murderous abortion?

    How can any Christian, whose believe is grounded in the fundamental teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
    and of our Heavenly Father, cast a ballot for Obama on Nov 4th?

    Evidently, you must be a duped Christian to do such a thing.

    Dr. Groothuis, let's pray together that the points you, Krauthammer, and I make on this blog will open the eyes of wandering liberal Christians who might accidentally stumble on this blog.

    Heaven help us all if Obama were to be elected in November.

    Every reasonable Christian must follow Dr. Groothuis's lead, which is based in rationality, truth and logic (I have read many of your posts, and find that to be the case).

    Rejoice, for the Lord's will be made on Nov. 4th. And let's face it:

    Every reader of this blog knows what the Lord's will be on Nov 4th.

  6. Daniel:

    Your concern is noted, but why can't you see that this election is the key to solving every good Christian dream of ending abortion? With a couple more Supreme Court appointees, the reversal of Roe v Wade is sure. It would be the culmination of thirty years of work to reverse the most appalling legal decision in the history of God's creation.

    We must honor the work of Reagan, and George H.W. Bush, and our current president, who tirelessly worked to reverse Roe v Wade by appointing Supreme Court Justices who, if given the chance, would have certainly reversed that ignominious ruling.

    Hurricanes are a tragedy and all life is precious, yes, but how many lives do they really take? Compare that with the holocaust of the unborn, which another Republican president would surely help to end. We cannot keep electing presidents who know what to do in a natural disaster, and watch millions of little unborn tiny babies go to waste while we watch.

    Dr. Groothuis is right, this is a kairos moment.

  7. Jeremiah,

    Thank you for the heartfelt response. Might I indulge you in some food for thought of my own?

    Abortion is an atrocious moral calamity. But I'm not convinced that overturning Roe vs. Wade is the key. It is necessary, but not sufficient. And how necessary it is I'm still unsure about. An individual moral error such as that can only be stopped by the individuals themselves, not legislature. People buy illegal drugs everyday, even though they are illegal. The government can only outline the boundaries of ethics so far, but especially in such a depraved nation as ours it is up to individuals to make moral individual choices. A church making an outreach effort to women considering an abortion is a much more powerful act than any government action. Is not the Church the most powerful force for change on the planet?

    And as you noted, there have been a string of Presidents attempting to overturn Roe vs. Wade, to no avail. If McCain is unable to do it then it's the President after that and after that and after that. When does it end? It ends with Christians standing up for objective morality, God's law, and proclaiming those truths to a watching and wondering world. If a woman wants an abortion she will get an abortion, regardless of any prohibiting law. But if the Church comes alongside this woman in love and shows her the truth of this terribly important decision, that is far more impactful than a bill from Washington. I could go on but will stop.

    Dr. Groothuis,

    Your response is noteworthy and respected, but I still hold to my plea for diversification in subject matter. It is your blog, do as you will. I will still frequent it. :)

  8. Jeremiah:

    I've appreciated your god honoring comments on this blog. You get it. I have prayed to Jesus about these issues and completely agree with you.

    George Bush has virtually overturned Row Vs. Wayne with conservative appointees, and that is the only issue.

    Liberals act like we need some Everybody who would go to visit hurricanes and show their sorrow while ignoring the holocaust.

    Bushes handling of Katrina is unimportnat in light of his committment to the holocaust. Life begins at conception, and whether a baby is 1 day or 10 months old DOES NOT MATTER.

    Sarah Pall believes that abortion is bad. She believes in living. Anybody who thinks that death is better than life is unfit to be the commander in chief. That is why Obama should not be president.

    Don't forget that all our talk is meaningless. With prayer we can move mountains and all we need to do is get on our knees and trust in Gods great POWER.

    Pastor Jim,
    Devonshire Independent Bible Church

  9. Dear Daniel, thank you for your thoughtful response.

    Reading it reminded me of my many liberal friends who tell me the same things you do.

    Government, in my opinion and also in Dr. Groothuis's, should only provide security for its people and get out of the way in all other things.

    In all other things, that is, except for abortion and gay marriage, which are the scourge of our society and cause more harm to our lives than everything else combined.

    So, if we can elect as many Republican presidents as it takes, to nominate as many Supreme Court Justices as it takes to overturn Roe v Wade, I say: let's do it, and pray that they can be better examples for our children than Sen. Craig or Rep. Mark Foley

    Atheists would have you believe that life does not begin at conception, that gays and lesbians (particularly godless ones) should be allowed to pursue their sexual inclination like you and I are.

    Reading posts on this blog by atheists and people of dubious belief gives me the creeps, in that they condone aberrant behavior and do not recognize God's word as law.

    Under their rule, society would disintegrate, with gays and abortionists running our government, actively promoting horrible things like adoption for homosexuals and the extermination of newborns and fetuses, for no reason whatsoever.

    Shame on those who support the Democrat party, which is a hideout for the worst criminals since South America gave refuge to the Nazis that perpetrated the holocaust.

    Holocaust is the only word that describes what is going on in America.

    Don't think for a moment, though, that I do not understand where you are coming from.

    On a gut-level, I know that what you say is true: "The Church the most powerful force for change on the planet," and one example of their power is their the ability that churches have to turn godless homosexuals in God-fearing and God-loving people.

    On another level, though, I think of people like Rev. Haggard (was that his name?), leader of one of the great churches in our state, who was preaching moral rule in his church and yet fell victim to the same temptation he condemned from his pulpit (though I hear that through the power of prayer he has now been healed of his perversion, praise the Lord!)

    No, Daniel: we must establish Christian rule in this country and ban outright all immoral behavior, and if people want to keep sinning, I say, round them up and send them to rehab, or jail.

    Yahweh would want no less for his creation.

    Abraham's children: unite in pursuit of justice in this world!

    Never falter in the face of injustice, murder, and sin.

    Have mercy on your opponents, but do not fear to smite them with the word of our Lord!

    All true believers in Christ must follow the teachings of Dr. Groothuis and vote for McCain/Palin and defeat the unctuous Obama with the truth.

    Christ demands no less from us.

    Kairos! (with abax)

  10. Jeremiah,

    One of the concerning things you said: "and if people want to keep sinning [in the context of discussing homosexuality], I say, round them up and send them to rehab, or jail."

    Um, wow. Completely wrong and completely inappropriate.

    There is much to respond to in your reply and I would rather not take up much more of Doug's space for just between you and I. So if you want to continue dialogue about what you are saying then please visit my own blog. I clicked on your name and it went nowhere.

    For the record I am neither Republican nor Democrat so you might want to caution in painting a picture of me as one of your "liberal friends."

  11. Daniel:

    Jeremiah and the Baptist Minister are not being serious. Or as funny as they think they are.

  12. People may be faking identities here to make Christians look bad. Who knows? This is one of the problms of the Internet.

    Of course, I do not support "locking up" homosexuals for being homosexuals.

    A ban on some post-ers may soon be in order.

  13. Yes, that crossed my mind. Unfortunately there are more people (I have met some) out there than we think or would like.

  14. I must respond, since I have been accused of not being serious, and also because I have been accused of trying to make Christians look bad.

    I should start with the obvious point that, unfortunately, some of us do not need any help looking bad.

    Think of all the Christians who approve of the extermination of little tiny defenseless babies, with no rights, for no reason.

    Or, think of all those self-proclaimed Christians (many of whom, unfortunately, are representatives of local, state, and the federal government) who cheat on their spouses, engage in homosexual activies, are found to be cross-dressers, lie under oath, say one thing and do another, and who are guilty of any kind of behavior that goes against God's just law.

    Also, you say you do not approve of locking homosexuals up for being homosexuals. Maybe you forget that many states in our union had sodomy laws on the books until the appalling Supreme Court ruling from 2003, which declared such laws unconstitutional.

    And, as you can see in the Wikipedia entry, many states set imprisonment as a possible penalty for homosexual acts.

    Notably those laws where based on these Biblical instructions, which I am sure all God-fearing, God-loving Christians are familiar with:

    "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination"


    "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

    Actually, based on the second quote from Leviticus, we should actually put homosexuals to death, but since we have no longer to that with adulterers, we should be consistent and not doing it with homosexuals either.

    So why do you all act with outrage toward me? What have I said that goes against the laws of our land, or God's law, for that matter?

    I hope you are not seriously thinking of banning my comments because I say things that some Christians regard as politically incorrect.

  15. Daniel: I did not paint you as anything. All I said was that the points you were making remind me of points I have heard from liberal friends. That didn't imply you are one yourself (hopefully, you know better, with the help of Dr. Groothuis's teachings.)


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