Monday, September 01, 2008

Autobiography is not Character

Charles Krauthammer argues that Obama's appearance at the DNC lacked any solid testimonial evidence by others concerning his character as a national, public leader. That is no small omission. Instead, Obama has brilliantly built himself up through two autobiographies (the man is only 46!) and through deft posturing. In other words, Obama has fans, but no credible witnesses to his character. He is entirely fabricated. The only solid thing about him is his pro-abortion extremism, the worst possible feature for a politician to have.


  1. I just heard Jon Voight speaking on Fox News, and it appears that he has taken some heat for pointing out the fact that the only witnesses to Barry Obama's character are some awfully shady characters themselves.

  2. Obama is surrounded by shady characters--Mayor Daily, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, and so on.

  3. "pro-abortion extremism, the worst possible feature for a politician to have"

    So there is *nothing* that a politician can have/do that is worse than being pro-abortion? Exercising a little hyperbole here?

  4. Kevin:

    You're just a stupid LIBERAL! Your angry rants and emotive outbursts are completely uncalled for. Be civil. Be respectful.

    "The only solid thing about him is his pro-abortion extremism, the worst possible feature for a politician to have."

    Amen. Christians, like Dr. Groothuis, must denounce all stupid liberals with vehemence, scorn, and canardary.

    Repent Kevin! You are complicit with death and infanticide.

  5. dckma,

    Interesting, because I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. Nor, I would add, am I a big fan of abortion. So thanks for the attempt at mind reading, but don't quit your day job.

  6. Jesus said "You are either for me or against me." If you are not completely opposed to abortion and anybody affliated with it, you are torturing babies.

    I don't read mind, but I am lead by the Holy Spirit to preach repentence and righteous indignation. I also am an apologist and am well-versed.


  7. dckma writes:

    "You're just a stupid LIBERAL! Your angry rants and emotive outbursts are completely uncalled for. Be civil. Be respectful."

    Is it just me, or is the irony here a bit none-to-subtle?


  8. I think you guys are too mature to catch the "joke."


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