Friday, August 29, 2008


Another reason not to vote for Obama or any pro-choice Democrat.

For the record, I'm rooting for Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as VP for McCain.


  1. I'm with you on Palin.

  2. It looks like you got your wish, Doug. McCain and a former Miss Alaska runner-up, who also seems to be a person of great conviction and integrity.

  3. Good call, Doug.

    How did you know this?

  4. Very risky pick. Would have liked to see Romney.

  5. John,

    That is completely unwarranted and quite the pathetic jab. Try again. Wait, don't.

  6. "John" the emotive fulminator is gone.

  7. I am curious to see if Dr. G will be as hard on Governor Palin’s lack of experience as he has been with Senator Obama. Palin is a first-term governor of a small state. She has a great story but McCain is 72 years old with a history of cancer. Since experience has been such a talking point in this election (McCain picking someone inexperienced and Obama picking someone very experienced) and on this blog, I can’t wait to see if the same standard will be applied to Palin as Obama.

  8. I don't recall Obama's lack of experience being the central focus of Doug's criticism.

  9. I didn't say it was the central focus but it has been referenced on multiple occasions when Dr. G lists his Obama criticisms.

  10. I like Palin as the choice for V.P. and I think it’s great that we have a black man and a woman on the presidential tickets—that’s a great thing for America, regardless of your political affiliation.

  11. About the experience issue:
    1) Obama's at the top of his ticket, Palin is #2 on hers.
    2) Palin has more executive experience than ANY of the other 3 candidates on both tickets, much less Obama.
    3) The discussion of McCain's cancer is secondary. Criticisms of Obama's lack of experience are much more important, since he will be the one taking office if his ticket wins.
    4) Say McCain wins, and God forbid dies 6 months into his first term. Palin takes over with 6 months more experience near the Oval Office than Obama will if he wins.

    I also bring up this point: One candidate picks a new politician, uncorrupted by D.C. politics, with a reputation for taking ethical stands against people of her own party, and is a woman. The other candidate picks an old white liberal senator who has worked in D.C. for 30 or so years and votes the party line.
    Who's the candidate of "change" again?

  12. Both candidates did a good job of picking VPs who would balance their ticket. Obama, vulnerable to attacks about experience and foreign policy, selected a person who is strong in both of those areas. McCain, vulnerable to attacks about his age and whether is he is conservative enough, selected a person who is a young and can reach the evangelical base. Those are smart decisions by both parties.

  13. What I have learned today about Governor Palin since the annnouncement makes me very happy with her selection as McCain's running mate -her pro-life commitment, her fiscal conservatism and her fight against government corruption demonstrate that she is the right choice.

    The Dems who criticize HER lack of experience as the #2 on the ticket certainly live in Obama's glass house of inexperience and he's the One they want to be the leader of the free world.

    Experience (or lack thereof) is not the main reason to support or not support a candidate. At the end of the day, we should assess what each candidate stands for, what are their core values, are they people of integrity. Obama's values include abortion on demand, paid for by your taxes, up until the moment of birth; he would appoint Supreme Court justices like RB Ginsburg and Breyer. He believes in the redistribution of wealth from the haves to the have nots under force and penalty of law. He believes that evil is something that needs prosecution, not elimination, as in the case of terrorists and crazy dictators like Iran's president. To top it all off, he sat under the teaching of a black supremicist pastor and only quit his church when the political pressure became too great.

    I have never understood how Christians could adopt such a topsy-turvy world view that would allow them to embrace marxist, pro-abortion, racist candidates like BHO. Don't say out of concern "for the least of these" - that's our responsibility as individuals and as the body of Christ, not the role of the government. America is not the church.

    Oh and for the pacifist Christians out there; if Christians never took up arms to defend the weak and oppressed, we'd all be typing in German and living in the Reich right now.


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