Friday, August 15, 2008

Doug Groothuis on Denver Radio Program Today

I will be on Gino Geraci's radio talk show (KRKS, 94.7 FM) Friday, August 15, from 4:00-600, discussing Obama, Abortion, and Evangelicals. I was quoted today in The Washington Times on this issue.


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Well done sir! You hit a whole line of nails on the head.

  2. I didn't realize you were going to be on Gino's show until I turned it on on my way home from work and thought... "I know that voice!"

    The sanctity of life is a HUGE issue that seems to be secondary for far too many people. You nailed it when you said it is at the center of the biblical worldview, and it's not just the unborn, but the quality of life for human beings in general that we must strive to protect.

    God bless your ministry

  3. Fletcher:

    I did it at the last minute. It fit my schedule and Gino's scheduled guest cancelled.

    May the effort help wake up Christians and others to the first things of morality.


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