Saturday, April 05, 2008

Schaeffer Film Series Hosted by Doug Groothuis

Starting on April 6 at 7:00 PM, I will be teaching a ten-week series on the Francis A. Schaeffer film series, "How Should We Then Live?" This will be held at Wellspring Anglican Church, 4300 S. Lincoln, Engelwood, CO 80113. As a long-time student of Schaeffer, who was initiated into apologetics and social criticism by his work, The God Who is There (1968), I relish this opportunity to present his ideas to a new generation.

This series, released in 1976, looks at Western Culture--beginning with "The Roman Age"--from a Christian perspective. There is also an excellent book by the same name, which I highly recommend. Each episode is about 30 minutes long. I will introduce each episode and lead discussion afterward. I will try to give examples and make points that bring the material up to date. There is no charge for this series. Any thinking, civil person is welcome.

The aim of this endeavor is to equip Christians to know their times by knowing history so that they might be salt and light in their culture. Too many Christians do not know the history of Western Civilization or the part that Christianity has played in it. Sadly, many colleges and universities today do not even require a course on Western Civilization. The films should also be interesting and challenging to those inquiring into Christianity who are not yet Christians.


  1. Will the discussion afterwards be available (in any format) for the civil, thinking people that are nowhere near Colorado?

  2. I have started a blog to discuss the film and the book. See:


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