Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Poem Whose Title is Longer Than It Is

American Idol.
American Idiot.


  1. Bill Shakespeare's got nothing on you. Loved it!

  2. Doug:

    What do you know about this show? I've seen it, and I think the title is misleading. It's not idolization from what I can tell... it's a singing competition and it's just "regular people" (not professionals) singing songs and the public votes on who the best performances are by. In the end, there is a winner and they get a record contract and often the runners up get recording contracts too if they are good enough and record companies want to take a chance on investing in them.

    Some of the winners have even gone on to win grammies and are legitimately very talented.

    So in that regard, I like the idea. A "regular Joe" can get a record deal and become a famour recording artist when they would otherwise never have been discovered.

    It isn't "idol worship" like we think about as cited in the scriptures, it's a televised singing competition where the American public votes on the best performers. It's not so bad.... there are a lot worse things on TV!

  3. It seems to me that people obsess on this; and consider the title.

  4. I don't like the title, but it was likely named by a secular person.

    People enjoy the show, yes. Often (OK, I've seen it more than once) the contestants give God the glory for their talents and are very humble. Many are Christians.

    I just wanted to offer you some perspective from a fellow brother in Christ, it's actually one of the most innoncent shows out there. The contestants are usually quite young (cannot be over 30) and they are often close to, even younger than 20. It is very exciting for them!

  5. I have seen the show a few times. There are people on it that have real talent. But I have also observed the obsessive craze take hold. People are literally outraged or tearful when their "idol" hopeful doesn't win. Christian radio shows spend hours talking about American Idol, which is about as trivial as one can get in relation to the great commission and the kingdom of God. And part of the craze involves the mass production of instant celebrities by the media. Not heroes, but celebrities. I love good music, and appreciate true musical talent, but American Idol types are what our culture is bred to feast upon. No depth, just entertainment (and lets not forget the money that the networks get for such a hit show). In this sense it is very idiotic. These people are very much so idolized, which mean another television show and cultural sensation that encourages idolatry. It seems rather sick on the whole. While some may be Christians on the show, the whole enterprise is not conducive to the cause of Christ. It may be "innocent" in some sense, but it is also just one more thing that numbs the American to developing themselves as persons of character, and they focus on triviality in stead of reality. Very sad.

  6. I don't understand competition. I have enough internal conflict to seek it elsewhere. I don't understand the appeal of sports and I don't understand the purpose of this show. Apparently, there is something in the human condition that draws many people to these types of activities, but I just don't get it. I'd rather be in corporate worship where we seek to be like-minded in the adoration of our Lord.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Oh, good grief people, lighten up. It's a singing competition. Some people get up on stage, sing, wait for America to decide who is best. You don't like, don't watch it, but aside from a title that just reflects how spiritually tone-deaf pop culture can be (believe me, they don't even think of the religious connotation to the word anymore), this is a nice way to while away a couple of hours before bedtime. Good for you if you're above all that, but some of actually like to see these kids sing. Guess we're pretty stoopid. I wonder if it bothers you that you're basically calling some of your fellow Christians idiots for watching it or participating? How about this poem?

    Christian blogger.
    Christian over-reactor.
    Get over it.

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Wow. That sounded a lot angrier than I meant it to. Sorry 'bout the tone. Still, I'm a little insulted.

  9. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I agree with Prof G. American Idol is an idiotic competition, full of idiots performing, to masses of idiots relishing in their stupidity. American Idiot is probably too kind, and it is good that Prof G can stand up for God and call it like it is: American Idiot. That's gospel truth and true love because he's calling people to repent for the "Kingdom is near."

  10. Strange poem, when a short scroll on your blog reveals another post that discusses the need for civility in the public square.

  11. Civility need not exclude denunciation where appropriate. Moreover, a short statement on a blog is different than calling someone an idiot. I call the program that, the phenomenona. That I take to be true and important to say.

  12. "Idiot" is a valid reference to a relatively low level of behavior, cognitive acuity or wisdom of a person, group of people or endeavor. I welcome anyone to call me an idiot when I'm being idiotic and consider it to be a loving thing if their purpose was to stop me from being idiotic. I do not consider it a valid logical argument (ad hominem). Rather it should be used relationally - and that between friends.


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