Sunday, February 17, 2008

Holy TV!

It is hard to forget the lithe and lovely young actress who played Claire in the wonderful film, "Brother Sun, Sister Moon," the story of St. Francis of Assi. She became a nun and worked with Francis.

Now one of my students informs me that Claire of Assi is the Roman Catholic patron saint of television.... If so, she is definintely not doing her job. So much for supererogatory media ministry. Better to just turn it off.


  1. Hmm, on the other hand tens of thousands of Muslims in North Africa, the Middle East, and Persia have come to faith in Jesus Christ through satellite TV ministries.

    Maybe her intercession is working after all...

  2. WOW. She must have taken 75 years off her job in the Western world, for sure. It is rather sad how far we can get, when departing from the Holy Word of God. God help us....

  3. Either this patron saint business is highly overrated or this might be proof that the free-market money-making machine is a bulldozer too powerful even for saints.

  4. Fab:

    I know your background in Catholic, but I assure you that there is nothing in The Bible to support the idea of a patron saint. Nor is there anything that would logically lead in that direction. Christ is the only mediator between God and humans (see 1 Timothy 2:5) and the blessed dead are never spoken of as having specific roles in the lives of the living.

  5. So we agree. Patron saints is overrated. (they do make for great town fairs, though) :-)

  6. Patron Saints *are* overrated.


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