Friday, September 14, 2007

John MacArthur and Doug Pagitt on Yoga

I was asked by CNN to be a part of this exchange, but I declined because I was told that I would be one of four people and have only a total of five minutes. That form is not adequate to say much of anything constructive. This segment is a total of seven minutes with a two minute intro, mostly filled with shapely women in plunging necklines doing yoga. Yes, it is television. And many of the scenes are repeated during the dialogue. (This is one of the strange things about TV that you notice when you almost never watch it: the same images are repeatedly shown.)

MacArthur hammers home his points clearly against yoga (it is Hinduism!) and presents the gospel. Hurray for him. Pagitt, an emerging church "guru" (perhaps in more ways than one), fumbles around and misuses Scripture (Philippians 4). He uses a terrible experiential argument that no Christian he knows has been adversely affected by yoga. Well, the demons can be nice to you at first. This helps them get a grip. Or, people are so oblivious that they don't even know what is happening to them. Satan and his ministers pose as "angels of light" (2 Cor. 11:14). Feeling good and seeming to get benefits from a practice does not make it godly or even safe. We live in a fallen world.

Much of the emerging church takes culture to be more normative that Scripture and has no clear sense of truth or antithesis: Christianity really and radically opposes some ideas and practices. This defect seems evident in Pagitt, but television is the worst possible medium to discuss anything. However, that Pagitt would take the pro-yoga side in any format shows that he has little spiritual discernment and is oblivious to the realities of spiritual warfare. Although it is out of print, my book, Confronting the New Age (InterVarsity Press, 1988) has a chapter called "Developing a Strategy" what warns of the spiritual and physical dangers of New Age practices, including yoga.

I have posted a challenge to Pagitt on his blog. Added on September 17: Pagitt deleted my comment. It was not insulting or meanspirited.


  1. Brother,

    I think you ought to learn to master the concise argument. I understand brevity and medium bother you greatly, but how do you know that this was not an opportunity to reach someone and invite them to consider the argument futher into its full due?
    I would much rather hear your 90 min sermon on the issue, but frankly, many people will never have that luxury as they will not be found in a church to hear you or someone else. I wager that 5 minute clip is a heck of a lot better than 0.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    This is one more way the emerging church movement compromises theology in order to force Chistianity into to their worldview.
    MacArthur did a good job.

    (They should have told you that it would have just been 2 people!)

  3. MJ:

    Actually, I can do this, but do not want to. It is very stressful and there is little payoff. I don't think it is the best use of my time. Moreover, with several people, you have almost no control of the outcome.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. I know you can (abilities speaking), but I was just afraid you passed up a momentous opportunity is played correctly. No offense to your abilities was implied, nor do I imply that you took offense.

    I'm afraid you may have been right about the format/producers minimizing you, but I still think it could have been worth it. Alas, I cannot relate to that type of stress, so I defer...but it just seemed appropriate given your passionate persuasion on the issue.

  5. Have you heard of Hesychasm?

    Have you read Sts Gregory Nyssa, Maximus the Confessor, Dionysius, Symeon the New Theologian, Gregory Palamas, the Desert Fathers?

    Have you read Thomas Merton, Abhishiktananda, Jules Monchanin, Raimundo Panikker, Enomiya LaSalle, and other contemporary writers?

    Have you heard of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina?

  6. evagrius, have you ever heard of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Shiva Samhita, and many other Hindu texts? They all talk about Yoga, from a eastern training and using it. Now Lectio Divina is Latin for divine reading, spiritual reading, or "holy reading," and represents a method of prayer and scriptural reading intended to promote communion with God and to provide special spiritual insights. It is a way of praying with Scripture that calls one to study, ponder, listen and, finally, pray from God's Word. How in the heck are the two even CLOSE!!

    If you are putting the two on the same plane you have some SERIOUS need of remediation.

    Lectio Divina=Focus on God's word.
    Yoga=Focus on YOU!!

  7. gyrovague- Obviously you haven't read those works, otherwise you would know that they don't focus on the "you", the you that is ego.

    All of them teach that the ego is the key block because of its selfishness.

    The Bhagavid-Gita teaches devotion to God, serving others, kindness, selflessness, charity and love.

    By the way, have you heard of "theosis".

    Can you define it?

  8. theosis is a wide and open subject. It can be applied in several settings. "God became humans so Humans can become God" is how some have mentioned it. If you are Christian you know this can never, ever be true.

    But as a spiritual excercise theosis can have value in contemplating how God became human and how we can endeavor to be more like God. It is contemplating our own sanctification and our own life. I do not think the contemplative lifestyle is a bad one.

    Theosis is O.K. if you are doing it to go deeper with God capital G... our God, the Christian God. If you are doing it to become "one with the creator" and leaving the Who part of the creator out...that is a bad thing.

    You sound well versed in Hindu beliefs, something I am probably not so much so, but I have spent many months among Hindu's in India and what I speak of yoga comes from practical things I have seen there and been told.

  9. evagrius, I was just wondering about the entemology of your choosen pen name. Are you refering to

    Evagrius of Constantinople (fourth century), bishop of Constantinople

    Evagrius of Antioch

    Evagrius Ponticus (346-399), Christian mystic

    Evagrius Scholasticus (sixth century), historian

    Just curious

  10. MJ:

    No offense taken. I just wanted to clarify my view. I think MacArthur did an excellent job, but an opinion coming from a philosopher may have carried more weight than a pastor. But then again, it is TV, and most people forget everything in ten minutes.

  11. gyrovague- "wandering monk"

    "theosis is a wide and open subject. It can be applied in several settings. "God became humans so Humans can become God" is how some have mentioned it. If you are Christian you know this can never, ever be true.

    But as a spiritual excercise theosis can have value in contemplating how God became human and how we can endeavor to be more like God. It is contemplating our own sanctification and our own life. I do not think the contemplative lifestyle is a bad one.

    Theosis is O.K. if you are doing it to go deeper with God capital G... our God, the Christian God. If you are doing it to become "one with the creator" and leaving the Who part of the creator out...that is a bad thing."

    I don't think you really understand theosis. Your views express the "Arian" viewpoint, one quite prevalent in the "West".

    "Like God" is not the same as "being God". It's not "communion", a term you used in an earlier post.

    Read the Fathers of the Church, particularly Gregory Palamas. Read Dionysius and Maximus.

    You'll find find that "communion" really does mean union, as in "becoming" one.

    THe goal of the Christian life is to "become God", not by uncovering one's essence as God but by uncovering one's union with God through grace.

    Created beings are always separated from God by the virtue of being created. However, through grace, one can become unified to God through grace, through His "energies", His love, activity and presence.

    That is the goal of Christian life-and the goal of all human life.

    What the "east" has discovered, through Yoga and meditational techniques, is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, ( who blows where He wils), and the Logos, ( who enlightens all).

    What the ultimate experience of God is beyond all description and language and those who experience it belong to no "religion" but to God only.

    What saddens me is that the very same approaches, the very same attitudes, are available to Christians without them having to "step outside" their borders, if they so wish it.

    However, given the state of the situation, that there are so few in the "West" that know the path, those seeking such a path as through Yoga should not be condemned or attacked but supported.

    If there are those who are offended by the notion that Christians are called to be "divinized", to become god, then they should think again.
    There are quite a few Christian writers who point to that path.

    As for my nom du plume- I think you can figure out which personage I admire.

  12. Dr. Groothuis,

    Could you reprint your challenge to Pagitt here?

    Justin Taylor

  13. I will add my voice to those who would appreciate your participation in forums like the one on CNN. MacArthur was like a laser beam of Christ centered clarity, however he can't do it all and unfortunately they keep going down the list and often end up with uninformed Christian leaders that do more harm than good. How long did it take Paul to give the sermon at Mars Hill?

  14. It probably took Paul an hour or more. As DA Carson notes, what we have in Acts 17 is very likely a summary or outline of a larger message, not verbatim text.

    Another issue is effect. How much effect does a 5-7 minute TV segment have? I'd probably rather put my efforts into more personal, protracted teachings and mentoring.

  15. Justin:

    I did not save my post on Pagitt's blog, I'm afraid. I did challenge him with Scriptures on the seriousness of teaching: Titus 2:7-8; 2 Timothy 2:15; James 3:1ff. It is a serious thing to mislead the sheep of God in this way--very serious. This is no time to be postmodernist-glib!

  16. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Dr. Groothuis,

    First time commenting on your blog, but I read it often and enjoy it very much.

    I thought your comments were biblically shaped and well-informed.

    Anyhow, I, as a seminary student, pastor, and disciple of Jesus Christ, I was also very disturbed by Pagitt's illformed logic and faulty Scripture exegesis--so much so that I also responded to him and challenged him on his blog. Not only did I challenge his thinking, but I asked him to consider his straying from the Biblical faith and, for his soul's sake, repent.

    When another person essentially dubbed me "judgmental" on the post, I responded with a further explanation and, again stating my concern for Pagitt's spiritual wellbeing, issued another call for Pagitt to reconsider and repent.

    He responded to my post with an email stating that he was deleting my post, calling it mean-spirited and insulting. I responded to his email, saying that I was concerned for his soul and that I by no means meant disrespect. He responded, saying that he wished to hear my concern no more.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to comment here to let you know that he has done this to others, and that, typically, such a reaction is standard operating procedure for emergent fellows. They want dialogue and conversation until a conservative Christian enters; then they are dubbed "mean-spirited", "insulting", and "truncated". How little hypocrisy has changed.

    Blessings to you, brother in Christ.

  17. Dispensationalist:

    Thank you for attempting to awaken Pagitt from his yogic slumbers. As yet, Pagitt's has not refuted anyone. He has deleted them and called them names. This is sad and wrong.

  18. I believe that MacArthur is out of line in his view. He definately oversimplifies the issue and, I believe, demonstrates a lack of maturity in dealing with the subject.

    I'm going to do post my blog on the subject on Monday and would invite you to critically engage on the subject.

  19. Anonymous12:26 AM


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