Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Nietzsche's Critique of Christian Ethics

Some years ago, I wrote an essay on Nietzsche's view of Christian ethics. It is on my web page.

It was once accepted for publication in a journal, but the journal went out of print!


  1. I tried pulling up the link and it would not work. Is there something I am doing wrong?

  2. Clint:

    Thanks. I corrected the link. It should work now.

  3. In your essay under footnote # 9 you state, "Nietzsche also held a metaphysical reason for rejecting oughts because they implied an impossible counterfactual conditions which would alter the entire cosmos, but we will not pursue this here."

    Can you elaborate on this or would it take too long? Where could I find this in his writings?

  4. Clint:

    I'm glad someone reads footnotes. However, without some new research (or revisiting old research), I cannot add to my comment. Perhaps a Nietzsche scholar out there might help.

  5. Anonymous1:22 AM

    The place to look may be in the later sections of Genealogy of Morals, though the language of "impossible coounterfactual conditions" won't be explicit.


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