Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Audio of Groothuis sermon, "Learning to Lament"

If you go to this link, you can listen to a sermon of mine from September 26, 2005 called, "Learning to Lament." This was a chapel service for Denver Seminary. The texts read before the message (but not recorded, sadly) were Ecclesiastes 7:1-6; Romans 8:18-26. Please read those before you listen to the message.


  1. That was a great, much needed message: one that I will listen to again and again.

    One question: About the media not being able to help us to lament, I wanted to ask you about music (is that media? Or art?). Music has a way of exposing emotions that are otherwise burried deep in the heart. Things like loneliness, abandonment, scorn, bitterness, anger, and helplessness are sometimes beautifully articulated.

    Those exposed emotions, at least for me, have always been something to deal with before God.

  2. Oops, I forgot my question: can music help us lament?

  3. Dear Adam:

    I edited myself with that remark. I could have dilated for hours on it. In fact, I teach a class at Denver Seminary in which we address this issue (popular culture) for weeks.

    What I had in mind was that most forms (note: forms!) of popular culture (TV, video games, movies, radio) cannot allow or encourage lamenting. They move too quickly and are too fragmented. We don't have time to lament.

    Yes, some more thoughtful and emotionally rich music can bring our lamenting to the surface and help us navigate this territory of the soul. That excludes almost all popular music, however. Bruce Cockburn (a Canadian folk-rock composer, guitarist, and singer) wrote a performed a song years ago called "Justice" that is a powerful lament. Let me see if I can post the lyrics.

    Moreover, the blues is a form of lament. Blues can be very course and raunchy, and I do not recommend that. It can, in a sense, celebrate sin as a way of coping with brokenness. But there is more to the blues than that. Blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn recorded "The Sky is Crying" years ago. It is about a broken romance, but invokes and involves the very elements: "The sky is crying. Can't you see the tears running down the street"? And so on. The sky is crying and the universe groaning. See Romans, chapter eight.

    Jazz, too, can express lament. John Coltrane recorded a piece called "Alabama," which is a wordless lament for the school girls murdered in Alabama at their home church as part of the reprisal for gains sought by African Americans seeking civil rights. I heard Elvin Jones (the drummer for Trane at the time and his greatest drummer) say on "Fresh Air" that Coltrane did not tell the group what inspired the song, But simply gave some basic instructions and had the group play it. Jones said that tears were streaming down his face as he played it--even though he did not know the inspiration for the song.

    Much of jazz and blues are rooted in Negro spirituals, many of which are laments such as "Motherless Child" and "Were You There?" If you listen to Marian Anderson or Jesse Norman sing these songs, you will not soon forget them.

  4. I find this facinating. I listen to a couple of groups that could be considered "pop" but are more sophisticated in their emotions. Two Christians artists: Don Chaffer (of the band Waterdeep) is probably the best. Michael Pritzl of the Violet Burning a close second. One secular group (the Eels) that I include cautiously has had an impact on me too.

    Here are some sample lyrics:

    friends tellin' me that maybe i need some psychiatric help
    yeah they're always so quick to tell you just how to get on with it
    but i look into the mirror
    and all i see is age, fear
    and agony

    Michael Pritzl:
    God I meant so well
    I tried so hard
    but failed so well
    I was born to die brokenhearted
    From your wounds to us
    Sing to the brokenhearted

    Don Chaffer:
    Up before the sun
    Of all the things I could’ve chosen
    This is not the one
    Neither sad nor fun
    To be chewing on my fingernails
    Up before the sun

    Angry with the Word
    Of all the ways I could’ve listened
    This is what I heard
    Neither fish nor bird
    To be on the earth and wrestling
    Angry with the word

    Trusting in Your heart
    All the things that could’ve killed me
    Or torn me apart
    Neither end not start
    To be somewhere in the middle of it
    Trusting in your heart

    Perhaps these are not lamenting in the right way, but I have found myself listening to these songs in silence behind closed doors away from the polished smiles of evangelicalsim.

    I am really going to put the principles you talked about to work.


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