Wednesday, September 07, 2005

To be or not to be?

This web log has been running since about mid-July, and I have posted over 40 items. This has been an experiment. Many topics have been covered. I have republished previous works, written a few new items (some more substantial than others), and given links. I have also responded to your posts at some points.

So, what do you make of it? Should it continue? Should it change? It is helpful? Please tell me.

Doug Groothuis


  1. I find myself disagreeing with you sometimes, but I always look forward to reading. Your posts are thought-provoking and fun. I would be sad to see this end.

  2. As I said on my own blog, yours has quickly become one of my favorites. I appreciate your insights and perspectives. It would be missed if you choose to pull the plug.

  3. I'm a regular reader and am glad you post. I hope the blog stays up.

  4. I really enjoy most of your posts. However, it seems to me that a lot of your republished items don't work well for a general audience. Usually what you post directly for the blog has the best feel to it.

  5. I subscribe to your blog through bloglines and am always glad to see that you've posted something new. I'd love to see you stick at it.

    Have you considered video blogging, by any chance? (just kidding)


  6. I've appreciated the blog.

  7. I would echo Dan's sentiments, except I would add- rightly or wrongly this: I think blogging is most interesting and effective when the blogger interacts more with those making comments. I think there needs to be more interacting with those who pose questions or challenges to what you are saying, though I realize you have interacted with some. I for one would feel more free to share any criticisms I may have.

    I see this interactivity as a strength on other blogs which is not as strong on this one.

    Yet at the same time I appreciate you sharing with us, regardless, and believe it would be a shame for you to discontinue.

  8. Thank you for the responses thus far. As for more interaction, I doubt I can accommodate it. I work full time as a professor; I have many writing projects outstanding; I have many extracurricular lectures and appearances as well. This is not my life; it is secondary, really. My main contribution to the world of ideas is through my regularly published writing, my teaching, my preaching, and my mentoring. This will always rank behind those in importance. But that doesn't mean it is unimportant. I met someone yesterday who printed out all my posts and had taken them with him on vacation to read.

    I await more responses from you.

  9. I like your posts, but they are quite lengthy.

  10. I think we need more academics blogging and pointing towards published works of theirs in which their ideas are more fully developed. Take for example your piece on The Exile of Jesus, that encouraged me to get your book on Jesus the Philosopher, which I otherwise would not have got.

    I set aside an hour a week to blog. It's not a lot when you think about the massive influence you can have to so many in so many different locations. And it's free which means it just gets passed on and linked and it grows.

    My blog has reached many whom I never would have met or come in contact with for the simple reason that I'm on the web. And it's great to preach the gospel on the web!

  11. I was speaking with Fred Sanders from Talbot regarding scholars on the Web and the lack thereof. I stated that this is somewhat changed due to the blogsphere. You blog was the first one I thought of.

    While I understand you main ministry is teaching the student you encounter in person, we need some scholars who will interact with those who can not personally sit under your teaching. We need scholars who will interact with culture.

    Keep up the good work!

  12. Doug, I love your blog. It has been a great resource and a fun read. But maybe your very smart wife coulod guest blog every now and then :)

  13. I look at your web log as an opportunity to integrate your separate efforts to influence into a confluence of ideas and interested people.

    For example, you propose that we act by writing letters to editors. Then when you post one here, you say (without explicitly commenting) "I said you should do this, and I'm not above doing it, too."

    One of the graces of a blog (in my experience) is that the somewhat informal presentation of a blog encourages "letting your hair down" so to speak.

    In short: I gently support you continuing the blog if it can be done without you feeling unnecessary pressure to continue. In other words, if it is a heart thing and a God thing...keep it going.

  14. Please keep blogging. I enjoy the way that you cause me to think or rethink. Your work was highly recommended to me for just that reason.

    Interaction isn't a must for me to keep interested - if you care to respond to a comment someone leaves - that's fine. I think that responding and re-responding can clutter up a site and detract from new postings.

    These are your ideas that you are sharing. I don't see a blog as an invitation to a long conversation - but a opportunity to challenge others to at least be thoughtful.

  15. Dr. Groothuis, more than understood. Teaching and writing as you do I'm sure is more than a plateful (just regular seminary teaching is more than a plateful, surely).

    By all means keep the blogging up. I think it would be a great loss to us if you quit. And thanks for doing it!

  16. I recently created a blog, and found that I didn't have much to say that wouldn't just as easily fit on my I'm ditching the blog and sticking to more 'conventional' communication methods.

    I'd keep reading your blog as long as you thought you had something worth writing...if you think you're out of material, I'd suggest that you stop. At least for a while, that is.

  17. You should definitely continue. Your insights are of great value!

  18. I just found your blog, so I will be sorry if you go. You and "Becky" are two of my heroes, though you don't know me. I've just been perusing a few entries and like it very much so far.

  19. By all means, my friend, continue on. Cyberspace desperately needs your ruminations.


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