Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Televised Curmudgeon

From 8:00 - 8:30 AM on Friday, August 5, I am slated to appear on "Good Day Colorado," on Fox News TV in Denver, Colorado, to defend the thesis that Intelligent Design Theory should be taught as a scientific theory in public schools. My opponent will be a Dr. Victor Stenger of Citizens for Science. It is a half-hour, live program that I’m told will be punctuated by four or five commercials.

Why do this? My hope is that I might get in a few good chops that will cause people to read something significant on the topic, as can be found at I will try to submit a report of what transpired within a few days after it is on. Since "thinking doesn't play well on television" (Neil Postman), I do not have high hopes. I watched part of the program this morning and I realized that all I can do is inject a few thoughtful sound bites (if there is such a thing). Matthew 10:16, it is.

This comes during the week we are critiquing television in my class at Denver Seminary and after I recently preached on "Television: Agent of Truth Decay"!


  1. Wish I could hear/see that.

    This morning on the Diane Rehm show I heard a kind of debate on this subject between Richard Land (SBC), Alan Leshner and Nick Matzke. I believe that Dr. Land referred listeners to the same website you listed.

    They previously did try to get scientists favoring intelligent design on the program unsuccessfully.

    I didn't think it was all that helpful to me, but it was interesting to see how this exchange was handled and to hopefully get a better feel for the issues being debated.

    One can download this program: That would at least help you get to that program's site.

  2. So how did it go, Doug? We need clear-thinking, sound byte-speaking proponents of ID to speak the truth in love. . . even if you never hear back from those it impacted (even if "impact" is defined as generating a thoughtful "Hmmmmmmm!").

    When Ray testified before the Texas State Board of Education on the biology textbooks they were choosing, asking that they not use books with egregious misstatements about evolution (or that the publishers fix the errors), it was a "David and Goliath" contest. You'd have thought he was asking for teachers to throw down sawdust and make altar calls in science class!


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